Beijing Kaibiyuan Trading Co., Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Polyacrylamide
CAS No: 9003-05-8
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Others
Product spec: 90.0%
Packing: 25Kg/bag(Powder), 25Kg/bag(Colloid), inner bag is PVC film
Post Time: 2010-08-26
Usage: 1. Retention, reinforcing agent in papermaking. 2. Coagulant aid, flocculation, sludge dewatering agent in water treatment. 3. Precipitation agent, displacing agent in oil drilling. 4. PAM is also widely used in thickening, stable colloid, reduce resistance, bond, film, biomedical material.
Description: Polyacrylamide is called PAM for short, its molecular formula is CONH2[CH2-ch]n, water-soluble high polymer, molecular weight is between 4-20million. The solid product is white or light yellow powder, liquid product is colorless viscous gel, odorless, neutral, soluble in water, easy decomposed when temperature exceeds 120℃.there is positive gene (-CONH) in polyacrylamide molecular, which can absorb and bridge with suspended particles dispersed in the solution, strong flocculation, reduce the friction resistance in liquid. It is widely used in water treatment, electricity, mining, coal, asbestos products, petrochemical, papermaking, textile, sugar, medicine, environmental protection, etc. it’s sorted into 4 types as to ion properties:   ①polyacrylamide,PAM   ②non-ionic(type)polyacrylamide   ③cationic(type)polyacrylarnide ④anionic(type)polyacrylamide;
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