Beijing Kaibiyuan Trading Co., Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium hydroxide
CAS No: 1310-73-2
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic alkali
Product spec: ≥99.0%
Post Time: 2010-08-26
Usage: It is used widely, except used as reagent, it also has strong hygroscopicity, used as basic desiccant. It is used in chemical, papermaking, aluminum smelting, wolfram smelting, rayon, soap making as well as dye, plastics, pharmacy, regeneration of old rubber, sodium metal, water electrolysis, preparation of borax, chromium, permanganate, phosphate. Sodium hydroxide for industrial use should meet the national standard GB 209-2006, industry using ion exchange membrane should meet the national standard GB/T 11199-89, chemical fiber should meet the national standard GB 11212-89, consumption of sodium hydroxide should meet the national standard GB 5175-85.
Description: It is a kind of white crystal and strong corrosive. Soluble in water, the solution is strongly alkaline, red the phenolphthalein. It is very popular used, and it is drug of laboratory. It can be used as washing liquid solution. Strong sense of sodium hydroxide solution splashed on the skin will corrode skin, causing burns. As the strong base, it can cause water pollution.
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