Beijing Kaibiyuan Trading Co., Ltd.
Products detail
Product Name: Polyaluminium Ferrous Chloride
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Others
Product spec: 10-20%
Post Time: 2010-08-26
Usage: Mainly used for purifying treatment of drinking water, domestic water, and industrial wastewater, especially for low temperature and low turbidity water.
Description: PAFC plays an important role in high turbidity water and low temperature and low turbidity water''s purification treatment. This may use in to live the tap water, the industry for water processing, also may use in the industrial waste (to contain oil sewage, printing paper mill sewage and so on), the coal gas washing water, the special water quality (contains radioactive substance, contains Pb 2 +Cr3+, high toxic heavy metal and contains fluorine sewage and so on) processing
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